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Back Yard Wildlife

Friday, June 19, 2009


I went the our backyard the other day, and I startled some animal, and it jumped on top of our 6 foot fence. At first, I thought it was just a squirrel, but since it wasn't as stealthy as a squirrel, I took another look, and it was a fox!

My first thought was - I hope it's not going to charge at me, since there are many cases of rabies around here. Good thing it just jumped into our neighbor's back yard, whew. Also, don't know why, but there was a raven staying close to this fox. I have heard coyote and badger teaming up, is there some symbiotic relationship between fox and ravens?

The shot was taken through the fence, hence the quality issue. Since it was in our neighbor's yard, I didn't just want to stick the camera over the fence to take the picture. They probably call the cops if they see me do that!
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