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Just lazy......

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Spent last weekend in Vegas, went to the Elton John Red Piano concert, that was fun.

First time to the Coliseum at Caesars Palace also, very impressive.

I guess I got used to cooler weather here in Flagstaff, it was cloudy and 66 degree when we left Flag, but 105 in Vegas! With constent wind blowing, it felt like an open air blast furnace! Summer time is not the right time to visit Vegas, plus not doing too well with the slot machine didn't help either, :(.

Not sure what it is, but I have been pretty lazy lately, as far as taking pictures. Just can't get motivated. In Vegas, I usually make sure to stop by Bellagio, mainly for the ever changing garden area. The theme this time must've been July 4th celebration. I took a few shots, but felt pretty blah about them, don't know why I am in such a funk.

A few shots from this trip:

From Bellagio Garden.

Our favorite restaurant.

and a free fashion show.

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